Brew guides by drop:
How to make cold brew coffee

read time: 2 minutes
date published: May 27, 2024
last updated: Jul 17, 2024
Craig's Cold Brew Guide
Tis the season. It's about time we came up with a cold brew recipe, even if it is just to stop Craig drinking all of LOCAL's stock.
Cold brew is the iced americano's cooler, more interesting cousin that packs a big concentrated coffee punch.
For our cold brew, we lean towards fruity coffees that benefit from that long brew time to bring out their unique flavours.
This recipe uses the Hario Cold Brewer to prepare a ready-to-drink cold brew which should last 2-3 days in the fridge. Some other recipes produce a cold brew concentrate which should last up to a week.
What you'll need
Cold brewer - we used Hario's bottle brewer.
55g very coarse ground coffee
- (optional)
700ml water - filtered is best if you have access to it

step 2.
Grind your coffee (We used Cairngorm's Bambuco Colombia). You’ll want 55g of coffee per 700ml of water. For cold brew we use a very coarse grind size so that the water can easily flow through the coffee and saturate the coffee grinds.
step 3.
Put the coffee in the mesh filter & insert the filter into the bottle.
step 4.
Slowly pour 700ml of cold water into the bottle.
step 5.
Give it a gentle swirl making sure the grounds are fully saturated.
step 6.
Pop your cold brewer in the fridge.

step 7.
Wait for a minimum of 8 hours (we recommend sleeping during this time).
step 8.
Grab your bottle out of the fridge & give it another swirl.
step 9.
Remove the filter, dispose of the coffee grinds and give the filter a good wash.
step 10.
Pour over ice & enjoy.
coffees we'd reccomend for Cold Brew