Mexican Coffee
While still producing low yields mainly in the southern state of Oaxaca, small collectives in Mexico today prioritise indigenous farming and work to build relationships with specialty coffee roasters who value their quality and beans that make balanced and fruity cups.
Mexico has a complicated history as a coffee producer. A previously fruitful system of smallholder production was destroyed by the collapse of the Mexican Coffee Institute, leading to a predatory market, a massive drop in quality, and a reputation for the production of commercial grade coffee. The majority of Mexican coffee is, for obvious reasons, sold to the US but we’ve seen an increase in specialty lots in the UK market in recent years, a result of work to form relationships with Mexican co-operatives.
- November-March
- Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Maragogype
- Washed
- 800-1800m
- Caramel sweetness and rich chocolate
French Press/
Stove Top