Shop coffee for cold brew
For this brewing method, coffee is steeped in cold or room-temperature water for an extended period of time, then filtered. This slow extraction produces a refreshing, less-acidic drink that's perfect for an iced coffee in the summer. We like an extremely fruity and juicy cold brew to pretend we're actually hydrating.
Cold Brew
In our Jesmond coffee shop we like an extremely fruity and juicy cold brew to pretend we're actually hydrating.
If fruity coffee isn’t your thing and you like a dash of milk in your coffee you can go for a darker & chocolatey coffee - whatever works for you. We always recommend a very coarse grind size as its
larger pieces can brew for a long time without developing a bitter taste and also so it can be easily strained.
The caffeine content in cold brew can be quite high due to it's longer brewing time.