Elsewhere Coffee Roasters

Portals, El Salvador - 250g

tasting notes: Pink Lady Apples, Clean Sweetness, Crisp

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Portals, El Salvador - Elsewhere Coffee Roasters

Ultra clean, super crisp and bright- Portals is Elsewhere’s newest roast that we’ll be absolutely glugging down. This 100% Red Bourbon coffee comes from Finca El Cocal in El Salvador’s Apaneca Llamatepec mountains. The estate, situated at 1300 MASL, is owned and operated by the Alfaro family’s Agricola San Agustin, whose business is backed by four generations of experience farming coffee in El Salvador.

This coffee’s anaerobic natural post harvest processing involves controlled fermentation for 192 hours with cultures, followed by slow raised bed drying for around 30 days.

Perfect for filter brewing, we’re thinking Kalita or cold brew for this one. The initial taste is dominated by Pink Lady apple acidity, and there’s a hint of floral complexity and sweetness bringing elderflower cordial vibes to the cup.

Elsewhere Coffee Roasters have come a long way since their lockdown beginnings. Founder Jack’s focus on roasting quality and single origin beans that are ethically sourced and fully traceable have carried them to a duo of London café sites and a beautiful roastery all in South East London. We’re super excited to get our hands on their seasonally sourced beans and share them with you too.

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