Crankhouse Coffee

Wilder Garcia, Peru - 250g

tasting notes: Apricot, Mandarin, Honey

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Wilder Garcia, Peru - Crankhouse Coffee

This new coffee from Crankhouse is so full of apricot and mandarin flavour we half expected it to come out orange. Sourced from a Peruvian micro-lot from young producer Wilder Garcia’s farm in Huabel - one of Peru’s most productive coffee areas- this coffee is ready to be your next summery filter.

Garcia benefits from Volcafe’s farmer support programme which provides agricultural and business support for smallholder producers. With their assistance his yield has grown massively, now producing around 50kg of green coffee annually, and helped expand his range of planted varieties - like this Bourbon lot.

This washed coffee is depulped on the same day as harvest, and fermented for 2 days before drying in solar dryers.

Exeter based Crankhouse Coffee launched in 2014, growing from a single car garage to a roastery in the heart of Exeter where quality is key. Today, they are dedicated to a sustainable future of coffee, and contribute to organisations that drive science-based change in the industry such as the Specialty Coffee Association, World Coffee Research, Alliance for Coffee Excellence and One Percent for the Planet.

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