Crankhouse Coffee

El Carmen Decaf, Colombia - 250g

tasting notes: Orange, Vanilla, Fudge

El Carmen Decaf, Colombia product photo



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El Carmen Decaf, Colombia secondary product photo

El Carmen Decaf, Colombia - Crankhouse Coffee

We’re on a bit of a decaf kick at the moment, and thankfully so is the specialty coffee industry- with more high quality decaf coffee beans available to buy than ever before. This new Colombian decaf coffee from Exeter-based Crankhouse has everything you could ever need in a cup- minus the caffeine of course- with silky smooth notes of orange, vanilla and fudge.

Importer Raw Material have sourced a number of Colombian coffees specifically for decaffeination- with an understanding that not every coffee will hold up to the decaffeination process. This one undergoes the native Sugarcane method of decaffeination and comes from El Carmen in Huila, where Raw Material have built a drying hub, mill and quality control facility, all with the aim of keeping more of the profits with the growers by allowing them access to their own processing facilities and direct entry to the specialty market.

Exeter based Crankhouse Coffee launched in 2014, growing from a single car garage to a roastery in the heart of Exeter where quality is key. Today, they are dedicated to a sustainable future of coffee, and contribute to organisations that drive science-based change in the industry such as the Specialty Coffee Association, World Coffee Research, Alliance for Coffee Excellence and One Percent for the Planet.

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