Crankhouse Coffee

Sítio Baixão da Serra, Brazil - 250g

tasting notes: Purple Plum, Hazelnut, Nougat

Sítio Baixão da Serra, Brazil product photo



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Sítio Baixão da Serra, Brazil secondary product photo

Sítio Baixão da Serra, Brazil - Crankhouse Coffee

We’re starting to think all things Autumn and this crowd-pleasing Brazilian coffee roasted by Crankhouse is really spurring us on.

These coffee beans come from Abner and Vanessa Carvalho’s farm Sitio Baixão da Serra in Caldas, deep in the coffee-growing heartlands of Minas Gerais. Both Abner and Vanessa grew up in the coffee industry, and their passion saw them sell their house to fulfil their dream of owning their own land. Their coffee has gone from strength to strength, as they learn to make use of the potential of the volcanic soils on which their farm sits.

This naturally processed lot makes for a classic cup but with plenty of seasonal character from rich purple plum and nougat tasting notes. We think the balanced body of this coffee is ideal for espresso brewing, so if you see us crunching Autumn leaves and sipping a delicious flat white, you'll know what it is.

Exeter based Crankhouse Coffee launched in 2014, growing from a single car garage to a roastery in the heart of Exeter where quality is key. Today, they are dedicated to a sustainable future of coffee, and contribute to organisations that drive science-based change in the industry such as the Specialty Coffee Association, World Coffee Research, Alliance for Coffee Excellence and One Percent for the Planet.

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