Crankhouse Coffee

Mohammad Abu Nura, Ethiopia - 250g

tasting notes: Apricot Jam, Jasmine + Nutmeg

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Mohammad Abu Nura, Ethiopia - Crankhouse Coffee

A very special Ethiopian coffee from the Crankhouse roastery. Unlike most Ethiopian coffees which are community coffees combined at the mill, this one has been sourced from a single farmer- Mohammad Abu Nura.

The Tokuma group gives its smallholder farmer members the chance to process and export their own coffee- something that wasn’t previously possible before changes in Ethiopian export regulations. The fairer share of prices that independent access to the market provides has in turn helped members like Mohammad to improve the quality of their coffee and have it be fully traceable!

Mohammad’s 37.5 hectare farm sits within the Jimma zone at a lofty 2100 MASL and is dominated by Gibirinna 74110, an Ethiopian coffee varietal that is highly resistant to coffee berry disease.

His natural process coffee is dried on raised beds for about 20 days, producing a cup with an overall apricot sweetness but a clean jasmine finish.

Exeter based Crankhouse Coffee launched in 2014, growing from a single car garage to a roastery in the heart of Exeter where quality is key. Today, they are dedicated to a sustainable future of coffee, and contribute to organisations that drive science-based change in the industry such as the Specialty Coffee Association, World Coffee Research, Alliance for Coffee Excellence and One Percent for the Planet.

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