Crankhouse Coffee

Aponte Honey, Colombia - 250g

tasting notes: Pomegranate, Lime + Dark Chocolate

Crankhouse coffee beans Aponte Honey



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Aponte Honey, Colombia - Crankhouse Coffee

With fertile volcanic soil, a cool climate and altitudes of 2000m, the rural Colombian town of Aponte is perfect for honey processed coffees like this one roasted by Crankhouse. In this independent reserve, located in the western region of Nariño and home to the Inga indigenous people, smallholders contribute to a larger regional lot which is perfect for honey processing.

With the extra sweetness of the mucilage left on the bean during fermentation, we get a truly unique Colombian coffee: fruity pomegranate, lime acidity alongside a rich dark chocolate body. Because of these extra sugars, this one requires very careful roasting, and Crankhouse are the dream team.

We think honey coffees like this one shine with filter brewing methods.

Exeter based Crankhouse Coffee launched in 2014, growing from a single car garage to a roastery in the heart of Exeter where quality is key. Today, they are dedicated to a sustainable future of coffee, and contribute to organisations that drive science-based change in the industry such as the Specialty Coffee Association, World Coffee Research, Alliance for Coffee Excellence and One Percent for the Planet.

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