Spaceboy Coffee

Nkhota Village Gesha, Malawi - 250g

tasting notes: Cherry Sweets, Eucalyptus, Black Tea, Kiwi, Sake

Nkhota Village Gesha, Malawi product photo



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Nkhota Village Gesha, Malawi secondary product photo

Nkhota Village Gesha, Malawi - Spaceboy Coffee

We’re feeling super lucky to try this very special coffee roasted by Spaceboy. This coffee from Malawi is the first we’ve ever tried, and first we can remember seeing!

This lot is the fruit of the collaborative MF Coffee Project between coffee lovers in Malawi and Scotland, and comes courtesy of the 48 farmers behind Tiko Coffee Collective in the villages of Nkhota and Junju- who harvest and process their own coffee for MF Coffee. This unique relationship is doing great things for specialty coffee in this small landlocked origin, allowing for direct trade between Malawi and Scotland, avoiding export costs in the process and the problems of a lack of direct market access for farmers in the country.

The coffee grown by Tiko is both high quality and sustainable, with intercropping used to create diverse and productive farmland to ensure a consistent source of income for growers.

The flavour of these Gesha coffee beans is a journey in itself, enhanced by honey processing. Honeyed kiwi fruit on first sip and a complex menthol aroma, followed by slightly savoury black tea flavour and lingering cherry drops to finish. Refreshing, complex- just truly special.

All businesses are projects, but Spaceboy has been a PROJECT for founder and award winning roaster Finn Mclean. The roasting machine at Edinburgh based Spaceboy has been crowdfunded and carefully hand-built over the last two years, completely custom designed to give the team an unmatched level of roasting flexibility. Finn's experimental approach is reflected in his coffees, fun, funky and a bit wild - all things we can get behind. After sourcing the best quality green beans, the perfect roast-profile is tested to achieve the best representation of the coffee’s profile, which can be replicated with incredible accuracy. With no desire to open a coffee shop of their own, all the focus for Spaceboy is on roasting up the good stuff, supplying cafés and people like us with expertly roasted coffee beans.

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