Hard Lines Coffee Roasters

Frutas Rojas, Colombia - 250g

tasting notes: Strawberry, Cacao Nibs, Super Sweet

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Frutas Rojas, Colombia secondary product photo

Frutas Rojas, Colombia - Hard Lines Coffee Roasters

It doesn’t take a fluent Spanish speaker to work this one out. Hard Lines’s new Colombian coffee ‘Frutas Rojas’ is big on the red fruit flavour and super sweet with summery strawberry tasting notes. These beans have been sourced from smallholders who farm on the volcanic soils of Huila in southwest Colombia, where they receive support from the Terra Verde coffee association. This cooperative allows family farmers to share knowledge and experience and increase the value of their crop.

This fruit forward washed coffee has a really versatile cacao body, that makes it suitable for however you brew.

We are long-time Hard Lines coffee fans. Based in Cardiff, Hard Lines Coffee Roasters select and roast great coffee that’s been sustainably sourced in order to build long lasting relationships with their producers. They know that coffee isn't just about… the coffee, it’s about relationships, quality, design, and having fun, roasting coffee that’s bursting with flavour but keeping it fresh and not too serious throughout. Their loud, vibrant packaging will draw you in and the top quality flavours will leave you wanting another cup.

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