Baristocracy Coffee

Baristocracy, Colombia - 250g

tasting notes: Pistachio Nougat, Caramel, Chocolate

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Baristocracy, Colombia - Baristocracy Coffee

A blend of Castillo and Caturra grown by members of AMACA, an association of Colombian women producers made up of over 140 smallholder farmer.

The AMACA members come from villages in El Tambo, where the average farm size is around 1-3 hectares with about 5000 trees per hectare. With each tree producing a max of 2.5kg coffee every year, organisations like AMACA are key to ensuring these farms have a profitable harvest.

This washed blend from Baristocracy is really clean tasting, and has all the chocolate and caramel qualities you can expect from Colombian coffee beans, with a pleasant pistachio nuttiness to round things out.

Baristocracy is a family business bringing Australian speciality coffee expertise to the North East. Australian born Alex was raised in the industry and, together with his Geordie partner Kate, has transformed his background in roasting, blending and barista training into one of the North East’s favourite coffee roasters. Roasting only speciality grade beans, they supply to numerous coffee shops around the region (including our LOCAL's coffee shelf) as well as producing beautifully complex bags for the aspiring home brewer.

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